All files are 1000 columns x 1800 rows. CDR-quality Data ---------------- The ".bin" files are flat binary. Each .bin data is also available in geotiff (.tif). Daily temperature files (YYYYMMDD.bin or YYYYMMDD_cfq.bin) are 4-byte floating point, big_endian. Monthly mean temperature files (YYYYMM_mean.bin, or YYYYMM_mean_cfq.bin) are 4-byte floating point, big_endian. Values are: 0. - No decision due to clouds. 1. - water 2. - Greenland land (non ice sheet) 3. - No decision, due to insufficient number of days for determining monthly average. 4. - No decision, due to insufficient temporal distribution of daily IST values for determining monthly average. 5. - No data (0 value) due to no valid daily data. Monthly number of days files (YYYYMM_ndays.bin or YYYYMM_ndays_cfq.bin) are 2-byte integer, big_endian. Note: Files with "_cfq" signify the data was put through a cloud-filtering algorithm (applies to May through September). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ancillary Data -------------- The latitude and longitude files (lats_cdr_1.5625km_1000x1800.bin, lons_cdr_1.5625km_1000x1800.bin) are 4-byte floating point, big-endian. Each value (degrees) is for the center of the grid (longitudes are negative West, positive East). The land/ice sheet mask file (landicesheetmask_cdr_1.5625km_1000x1800.bin) is a 1-byte integer, with values as follows: 0 - non-Greenland coast 1 - Greenland ice sheet 2 - water 3 - Greenland land (non ice sheet) 4 - Greenland coast 6 - non-Greenland land The DEM data is 4-byte floating point, big-endian, in meters (-0.1 represents water). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mapping Information ------------------- Data is in the SSMI Polar Stereographic projection, 1.5625 kilometer resolution. See for information (coarser resolutions). The upper/left edge of CDR pixel (0,0) corresponds to the upper/left of pixel (508,1028) of the full 1216x1792 6.25 km map described at NSIDC. The lower/right edge of CDR pixel (999,1799) corresponds to the lower/right edge of pixel (757,1477) of the full 1216x1792 6.25 km map described at NSIDC.